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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the magic of love

i notice that there are few occasions or reasons for people to gather together and act as one. 
as i repeatedly ask the question to myself, finally, i got the answer. 
each and every one of them shares something in common - THE MAGIC OF LOVE - love for the people they admire, love for their passion, love for their country. now, i can feel it all over again.
why? it's Christmas time once again and so the magic continues..



Tuesday, December 15, 2009


cute! cute!

so so tired..

all i want to do now is just eat, watch my fav tv show and go to sleep..

but it can't be.. so sad =[

i miss all my online friends..

really miss em so much!

grrrr its quite boring in school.. 

gotta get my money back yaf yaf!

XMAS is coming near yes!!



Sunday, December 13, 2009

change chance

if u are given a chance to change your previous life would u grab the opportunity?

i just thought it again..

gotta sleep early..

goooooooodnight ya!!

